Life Origin

Debated as to where life comes from, the sea is full of many mysteries and wonders. The ocean has a lot to offer, such as the past relics of humanity's history, unique and werird organisms, and a darkness where no sunlight will never reach in. Even till today, there's still many mankind has yet to know about the ocean.

About 94% of Earth's living organism exist below the surface and 70% of earth's oxygen is produced by the sea. With these facts, the ocean has more importance than just something that covers 80% of our planet's surface, it is something interesting to be studied and at the same time precious, as our lifestlye is dependent with it.

The beauty and mystery of the ocean, fills our lives with wonders, vast beyond our imagination.

M. L. Borges, By The Sea

A Small Ocean

A hobby of mine related to my love of the ocean is "fishkeeping". Taking a part of the ocean with me, having it in my house. May it be catching it right out of the ocean or buying it from a fish market, it is always pleasing to take care and gaze upon the part of the ocean I have with me.

The fun of this hobby is not only when you have it ready to view upon, but preparing and maintaining the aquarium is exciting. It is not as simple as dogs where you just need to prepare food, drinkable water and a place to sleep. You'd have to prepare other things as such the parameters of the water (water, pH, temperature, etc.), a filter, light, heater, and even the chemistry of the water. It really makes you feel as though you are controlling a miniscule ecosystem.